Monday - Friday 6:00am – 4:30pm

Closed on the weekend

+1 (971) 371 - 4096

Toll Free: +1 (888) 835 - 9250


300 N 26th Avenue, Cornelius, OR 97113


Forced Air Lab Oven Accessories


ModelDescriptionPart #Price
TFO-1/3/5/10/28Honeywell, ezTrend 3 Channel Paperless Datalogger6900531$3,579
TFO-1/3/5/10/28Watlow F4T Datalogging Upgrade$519


ModelDescriptionPart #Price
TFO-3, TFO-3-2Caster Platform9000597$212
TFO-5, TFO-5-2Caster Platform9000594$225
TFO-10Base Cabinet Stand with Doors (Factory Installed)9751264$998
TFO-28Casters, two swivel wheels, two fixed installed9990872$211


ModelDescriptionPart #Price
TFO-1, TFO-1-2Reinforced TFO-1 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (75lb)9751326$150
TFO-1, TFO-1-2Standard TFO-1 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (50lb)9751227$90
TFO-3, TFO-3-2Reinforced TFO-3 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (75lb)9751262$185
TFO-3, TFO-3-2Standard TFO-3 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (50lb)9751228$145
TFO-5, TFO-5-2Reinforced TFO-5 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (75lb)9751327$210
TFO-5, TFO-5-2Standard TFO-5 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (50lb)9751229$170
TFO-10Extra Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips9751248$220
TFO-28Shelf Slide Assembly, includes 1 standard shelf9751325$297
TFO-28Standard TFO-28 Stainless Steel Shelf with Clips (75lb)9751245$290


ModelDescriptionPart #Price
TFO-1/3/5/10/28Calibration of Single Component NIST Traceable9990840$275

Access Ports

ModelDescriptionPart #Price
TFO-1, TFO-1-2Large 3.0” Access Port, Back Wall907-958-0001$250
TFO-3, TFO-3-2Large 3.0” Access Port, Back Wall907-958-0002$250
TFO-5, TFO-5-2Large 3.0” Access Port, Back Wall907-958-0003$250
TFO-10Additional 2.75” Access Port, Sliding Damper (location TBD)9990024$450
TFO-28Additional 2.75” Access Port, Sliding Damper (location TBD)9990024$450

Light Towers/Alarms

ModelDescriptionPart #Price


ModelDescriptionPart #Price
TFO-1/3/5/10/28, TVO-2/5RS-485. DB25 to USB Converter Communication Cable9900764$200