Monday - Friday 6:00am – 4:30pm

Closed on the weekend

+1 (971) 371 - 4096

Toll Free: +1 (888) 835 - 9250


300 N 26th Avenue, PO Box 625, Cornelius, OR 97113



Vacuum Ovens Dry Heat Sensitive Product

Dan Mallery, Cascade TEK’s Vacuum Oven Expert recently paid a visit to medical device manufacturer BARD in Puerto Rico. Vacuum ovens are an ideal method to dry temperature sensitive items rapidly.  Especially production level drying requirements.   For BARD, Cascade TEK automated the vacuum drying process to reduce operator error and produce consistent results with each batch.  Pictured with Dan are the Cascade TEK SVO-9 Vacuum Ovens. If you need to dry large quantities of a product that is heat sensitive – and do it quickly – contact our Vacuum Oven experts: Jeremy McDonald  and Dan Mallery
